Erol Bilecik

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Erol Bilecik
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Önceki Buton Sonraki Buton
Target in Women Employment: 40%
Index Grup aims to have more women in executive positions in the following years. Accordingly, the proportion of the women we plan to employ as executives and employees is approximately 40% by 2021. It is an undeniable fact that the increase of the number of women in the workforce will help the rise in welfare and the sustainability of the socio-economic development of our country. Active participation of women in the workforce will definitely...

Technology   6228

Önceki Buton Sonraki Buton
Our Two Most Important Strategies
The indispensable vision we have been holding since the first day we were founded has also become our strategy: “One stop shopping”. This is a strategy followed by each of the Index Grup companies all of which operate in the field of technology. The meaning of “one stop shopping” is to bring the products of technology to those who need them in the right time and to continuously expand the link of this product chain. This chain of links has bee...

Technology   6111


Technology 2
Life 4
Business Life 0

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