Erol Bilecik

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Erol Bilecik
Erol Bilecik Biyografi



It must be a very pleasant feeling to perform fine arts however, unfortunately I do not feel myself good at painting. I can only say that I have a good taste of observing paintings which makes me feel unwind.

Collecting paintings for almost 20 years, Erol Bilecik enjoys his collection a lot. One of his close friends from the sector has great influence over his interest in collecting paintings. 

The first painting he purchased was İbrahim Safi’s “Street”. He now has 200 odd paintings in his house, office, summer house, briefly anywhere he lives. Except the one painting of an Italian painter, his collection is of Turkish painters including Ruhi Arel, Necdet Kalaycı, İbrahim Safi, Fazıl Aksoy. He aims to permanently or temporarily exhibit his collection to public in the coming years. 


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