Erol Bilecik

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Erol Bilecik
Erol Bilecik Biyografi



As Turkey, we can not say that we are in a very effective position in terms of production in technology. However, we are taking all the evidences that we will advance in a positive point in the future. I am very optimistic that we should be in a position to be a country that is very active in software and able to carry very good service intensive exports. The discovery of mobile life continues at full speed. Mobile is on a tremendous journey crowned with cloud computing. I think that in the technology world, we are moving quickly towards a process where sound and media management can be more effective. The processes are likely to be driven by sound rather than keyboards which will make our lives more simple and save us time. Turkey is highly adaptable to innovation. It is the case for automobile sector as well as technology.

Being the co-founder of Index, a company constantly contributing technological development and availability, technology extends to every aspect of Erol Bilecik’s life. He immediately acquires and uses any new product.  Smart phone, notebook, tablet, external hard drive and mini speakers are essential to him. Flash drives are of great value to him. He sees them as one of the most important technological inventions that make life easier.

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